Multi Asset
The entire spectrum of capital investment
Being invested in the right asset classes at the right time determines the success of an investment. Active, forward-looking risk management is essential for this. Our multi-asset approach aims to achieve this: to select the right asset classes for our clients so that they can achieve their investment goals. The allocation model enables investors to participate in rising markets and offers them protection in turbulent phases.
“Our aim is to allow investors to participate in rising markets and to offer them protection when markets fall.”


EB-Sustainable Multi Asset Invest
The entire spectrum of capital investment in a product that has regularly ranked among the top performers in its asset class for over twelve years.
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- Performance 3 years p a.
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EB-Sustainable Opportunities
The successful EB-SMAI investment concept with a more dynamic risk/return profile thanks to flexible equity quotas and proven risk management.
- Fund name
- Investment style
- Performance 3 years p a.
- Fund volume in Mio. EUR
- Date
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Features of our funds

The sustainable treatment of people and nature is the anchor of our actions due to our Christian character. It is our innermost conviction, personal commitment and life’s work. Together with our clients, we make a positive contribution to people and nature. Our goal is to invest in a better world.