Marketing Communication
  • Alternative assets
  • |
  • 05.07.2023

Fund advised by EB-SIM invests in wind farm portfolio of CIC

The total output of the wind farm recently acquired by EB-SIM is around 85 megawatts.

  • Latest successfully completed transaction of the sustainable
    asset manager in the renewable energy sector
  • Total output of the acquired wind farm portfolio is around 85

Kassel, July 05, 2023: A fund advised by EB – Sustainable Investment Management GmbH (EB-SIM) invests in a German-Dutch wind farm portfolio of Connected Infrastructure Capital GmbH (CIC). It is the latest successfully completed transaction of the sustainable asset manager in the renewable energy sector. The project was acquired for investors in a fund classified under Article 9 of the EU Disclosure Regulation. The transaction expertise of EB-SIM’s Alternative Assets team in alternative investments, renewable energy and related infrastructure now amounts to more than sixteen billion euros.

When selling this part of its wind farm portfolio, CIC was looking for a partner who shared its commitment to sustainable investments. Following a comprehensive evaluation process, it opted for the renowned asset manager EB-SIM, which exclusively offers and manages sustainable and impact-oriented funds.

“We would like to thank Connected Infrastructure Capital for their trust and are delighted that they will continue to support the project as commercial operator,” says Dr. Bernhard Graeber, Managing Director and Head of Alternative Assets at EB-SIM. “These wind farms fit perfectly with our investment strategy, which focuses exclusively on sustainable and impact-oriented investments. We aim to achieve both long-term positive performance and a positive impact on the environment for our investors. We will work closely with the existing teams and local stakeholders to ensure the continued success and growth of these wind farms.”

“The investment is an excellent addition to the portfolio we manage,” says Anna Smit, Investment Director Renewable Energies at EB-SIM. “The wind farm project is promising from a geographical and technological perspective.” The total capacity of the acquired wind farm portfolio is around 85 megawatts. The plants supply tens of thousands of households in Germany and the Netherlands with green electricity.

“We are delighted that we have been able to hand over this part of our wind farm portfolio to the experienced, sustainable asset manager EB-SIM,” says Hans Jörn Rieks, Managing Partner of CIC. “We are confident that the wind farms will continue to operate successfully under the management of EBSIM and contribute to the ongoing transition to green energy in
the respective region.”

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